This post contains a giveaway sponsored by David City Bone Creek Agrarian Art Museum.  Yes, a giveaway.  Please read on to learn more.

Did you guess that we went to an art museum? Ever since I started writing this blog, I have wanted to visit the Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art in David City.  Finally this spring, I was able to go, and the experience definitely lived up to my expectations.  In case you were wondering, the word agrarian means relating to rural or agricultural matters.  Although some of the artwork is from Nebraska, the emphasis is on the agricultural focus, rather than one particular locale.  Still how could I not love artwork that features the people and places in the country lifestyle that I love?

If I could, I would just drive around the countryside and take pictures of cool, old barns.  Since I seem to have limited time and no one has offered to pay me for that project, I must be content with simply snapping a shot or two when we see one as we driving to other destinations.  Someday?  Anyway, you can imagine my excitement when we walked into the  Bone Creek Museum because their current “North 40 Gallery” exhibit is entitled, “Landmark Barns.”

This exhibit features the work of only three artists: Gary Ernest Smith, Simon Winegar and Jared Sanders.  With a bit of self-control, I manage to restrain myself from taking pictures of every barn painting.  But I could not resist taking a picture of some of my favorites.  If you click on the image, you will hopefully be able to read the picture to tell which artist is responsible for which painting.  Each angle is decisively different and seem to tell their own story.

Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art Landmark Barns Collage

In the South 80 Gallery, you can see the “New or Never Seen Art” exhibit.  Other than having the common agricultural theme, each of these works of art present distinctively different time periods and even subjects.  If you look closely at the man in the plaid overcoat in Farmer in Winter, you might see a glimpse of my friend’s grandpa or maybe even my own, as he trudged outside in the snow.  Longing for the Plow added a completely different perspective of the Civil War for me.  I am sure at times farming had to have been drudgery for the pioneer, but I do think they would have wished to go back to that job in the midst of the fighting.  The detail in Haymaker is stunning.  Wouldn’t the more modern, Two Chickens and a Rooster, look fun in a kitchen?

Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art New or Never Seen Collage

Not only does Bone Creek offer two galleries full of rotating art, they also offer educational workshops.  At the beginning of August, you can actually learn “plein air” oil painting from one of the artists featured in their current exhibit.  (Sorry – you will just have to look at their website below to find out what that phrase means!  Simply click on the educational tab.)  Along with the transitional exhibits, some pieces will always be on display from their prolific local artist, Dale Nichols.  If you are unfamiliar with this artist, an introduction is definitely needed.  Personally I first became acquainted with Nichols through this “The Forgotten Artist”, a Nebraska Stories episode.  His Land of Lincoln is full of symbolic meaning.  Can you find all of the images?  Plus I think his other featured landscapes symbolize what life for my grandparents would have been like.

Bone Creek Agrarian Art Dale Nichols Collage

Guess what?  I am finally announcing my 1st giveaway for my 3rd “blogiversary.”  Rather than being for a visit to a local location, this one is eligible for all of my readers.  Bone Creek Agrarian Art is graciously giving away a set of four seasonal notecards featuring the art of local artist, Dale Nichols.  Although they would be beautiful to send along to friends & family, you could also frame them.  This is my intention with the set I purchased during our last visit.   To win, simply comment below on what your favorite season is from the collaged picture square.

Dale Nichols Seasons Collage



P.S. In anticipation of their newest exhibit that will start this fall, Bone Creek just began a Pinterest site.  Their boards are rather “corny”.  If you are on Pinterest, I would encourage you to “stalk” them.  Bet you can’t guess what they are featuring next … 🙂


Author: neodyssey

My name is Gretchen Garrison. I started this blog about Nebraska in 2013. So far, I have written three books about Nebraska and Lincoln.