“Red Willow County” is named for Red Willow Creek. The term is a mistranslation of...
“Gage County was established and its boundaries redefined by an act of the Legislature approved...
Morrill County is “named in honor of Charles Henry Morrill (1843-1928), regent of the University...
Furnas County was “named in honor of Robert W. Furnas (1824-1905), governor of Nebraska from...
I come from a long line of letter writers. One folder in my filing cabinets...
Back in 1998, we went on a family vacation to Europe to celebrate my brother’s...
Knee high by the 4th of July. According to farming folklore, that is the height...
For several years, our family helped out with America’s Great Stories. What I appreciate about...
This post about portrait taking is sponsored by Responsival. Portrait Dilemmas My oldest is a...
Honoring the military is important. In fact, a week from today, our nation specifically remembers...