As if seeing airplanes up close and personal was not enough, the Strategic Air and Space Museum has all sorts of options and activities available that are specifically geared for children and families.  For one, they frequently bring in special exhibits with an educational slant.  (More on their MathAlive! current exhibit in another entry).  Here are just a few ways that the museum caters to children …

Whether you have just a few minutes

SAS simulators

Various army “vehicles” for the young ones to try and flight simulators for older children.  Put your child in motion for a small fee.

Or you have all day …

For only five dollars, you can enjoy the museum’s space shuttle slide and bouncer.  (Members are free).

SAS bouncy slide and plane

You can see a glimpse of the tall slide behind one of the airplanes.

Or maybe you have all night …

SAS Night at the museum

Groups of 75-150 youths can sleep the night away under a plane!  (1 adult for every 5 kids is required).  Besides touring and interacting with museum exhibits, overnight guests will also have a snack and watch a movie.  Cost is generally $15 per adult and $25 per child.  This option is a great one for Scout groups.


Flying High on your birthday …

Ages 3-14 can choose to celebrate their birthday in “plane” style and various party options are available including over the moon, cadet, ace and top gun packages.   Prices vary and are substantially cheaper for members.

SAS Science Zone

The Science Zone is open right now on the week-ends as another great family friendly option!

Still not enough to do?  A variety of field trips are available year round.   You should also check out their summer camps and scouting and merit badge programs.  And if you cannot make it to the museum, the museum will come to you.  With its mobile observatory and outreach laboratory and cool science to go, the museum’s goal is to make science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) more accessible to children.

If you want to know more about how S.A.C. came to Nebraska, stay tuned for my Flashback Friday tomorrow.  And I will be posting an entry all about their current featured exhibit, MathAlive! a little bit later on this afternoon.  (By the way, normally the Strategic Air and Space Museum operates a planetarium.  But due to the extensiveness of the math exhibit, the planetarium will not be operational until January when the traveling display is done.)

Author: neodyssey