I had the opportunity recently to write about Kit’s Corner (at the Lincoln Children’s Museum) and another favorite Lincoln place for kids in the January L Magazine. (My other favorite? Union Plaza Place Park – more on that place later)

The story of what a family decided to do with their grief is actually what inspired to first think about writing beyond a blog.  After Kit Scott died tragically in her 20’s, her family chose to honor the memory this lovely young woman by creating, among other projects, two wonderful places around Lincoln where kids can play and learn and grow.  Because The L Magazine was possibly going to include children in the magazine photos, I asked two dear friends if I could photograph their toddlers playing.  Since the room is intended for kids age 3 and under, sadly my kids have outgrown the room. (Wait – I don’t think I want to go back to diapers – guess I will just enjoy watching others’ little ones play now! 🙂  )

Children's Museum Kit's Corner 2

And thus began my first (and possibly last) children’s photo shoot.  I am not sure if I just have a slow camera or if I really need to improve my photography skills.  Capturing the cuteness of little ones on the move was a big struggle.  I just know that I will not be signing up as a child’s portrait photographer anytime soon.  Those who are successful in that field must be way underpaid.

Well, the magazine ended up using more pictures of the places rather than people in the article.  But my friends graciously agreed to let me show you my efforts on the blog.  These two toddlers were definitely two of the cutest subjects I have ever tried to photograph (Besides my own children and new niece & nephew of course! 😉 )

Children's Museum J

She was a bit shy and did not get into having her picture taken.  But I love how her painted face adds to the atmosphere.  Fun to watch her explore!  Her favorite part was the puzzles, but those pictures are not quite as interesting as the ones above.  What a sweet little girl!

Lincoln Children's Museum E

This little guy knew he was being photographed.  So he kind of delighted in hiding from me.  And sending a few sly grins my way.  Love that kid!

Thanks, friends, for letting me attempt to successfully photograph your adorable toddlers!


Author: neodyssey