On Tuesday, my middle son and I did get to attend the official 50th anniversary celebration of Maxwell Arboretum.  Hearing the perspectives of several different people who had been involved in the project was interesting.  The efforts of many over the past half century did make me appreciate more the planned beauty of this collection  of trees and plants.

My favorite part of the ceremony was still listening to our longtime family friend, George Briggs, talk about the value of Prairie Arboretums.  He did a wonderful job of connecting his current executive director of the North Carolina Arboretum to his time in that position at the Nebraska Arboretum.  Mainly he emphasized the value of collaboration.  His power point contained many pictures of the beautiful landscapes found in North Carolina.  Do not be surprised if someday in the next year or two, my Beyond Nebraska tab includes North Carolina as my son and I both think we need to take a family vacation there.

After the indoor ceremony, we went to the garden to enjoy the atmosphere.  At this point, I began to wonder why I have not visited this breathtaking arboretum more often.  Especially since it is quite close to our house.  My knowledge of local plants would have greatly increased, and I would like to think my serenity would have as well.  Such a beautiful place to visit.  As you scroll through these pictures, I am certain you will agree.

The look of the Maxwell Arboretum in May

At the eastern edge of the arboretum, you can see a beautiful beech tree.

UNL East Campus Maxwell Arboretumin Lincoln

Then you can cross the bridge into the arboretum …

UNL East Campus Maxwell Arboretum in Lincoln

Beauty abounds in everything from the hostas …

UNL East Campus Maxwell Arboretum in Lincoln

To the perennials that include flowers such as azaleas.

UNL East Campus Maxwell Arboretum in Lincoln

In the coming weeks, I think I may try to spend more time in this beautiful arbor.  What a great place to enjoy reading.  This homeschool mom has quite the list to get ready for the next school year!

UNL East Campus Maxwell Arboretum in Lincoln

In honor of the ceremony, they made a note of the plants that had been planted by Maxwell himself many decades ago.  I must admit that without the signs, I am not sure that I could identify the kinds.  But I do find the variety of species to be interesting.

UNL East Campus Maxwell Arboretum in Lincoln

The highlight of the experience was the time spent with people.  Pictured first is my Mom, Roylene, with George and Sara Briggs.  Then my son thought we needed a picture with Grammi as well.  I am glad that we were able to be a part of the celebration!

Maxwell Arboretum in Lincoln


Author: neodyssey

My name is Gretchen Garrison. I started this blog about Nebraska in 2013. So far, I have written three books about Nebraska and Lincoln.