After almost two years of being closed, the Joslyn Museum in Omaha reopened earlier this week. I thought that the museum needed to undergo system updates. During the time that it was closed, I have been to Omaha, but evidently I did not ever drive by the museum. When I saw a picture of the museum on the website, I was shocked! Much more was happening than just new heating and air conditioning. There is now a third building full of art! Here is a blurb from their website.

We are delighted to announce that the Joslyn Art Museum will reopen on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. 5,000 years of human creativity in art across three buildings. 100 works new to the collection on view. Three outstanding exhibitions. One stunning new building. Free general admission to all, always. Your Museum, reimagined.

Looking at the outdoor picture on their site, they are making the very most of their limited space. I can’t wait to go there to explore and appreciate. I always leave feeling creative and inspired. What I appreciate about the Joslyn is the fact that they are family friendly. Plenty of places to explore and enjoy for everyone!

Recently I was contacted by ApartmentGuide, a subsidiary of national real estate brokerage Redfin. A writer wanted to highlight the top activities and experiences in Omaha. I was requested to tell about one of my favorite places. I picked the Joslyn! You can read the whole article by clicking on the link below.

17 Unique Things to Do in Omaha, NE: Local Gems and Hidden Treasures

Today is going to be a beautiful Nebraska fall day! If you aren’t going to watch a game in Lincoln today (both volleyball and football have home games), going to Omaha might be a great way to avoid the crowds. Check out some of the ideas in the article above!

P.S. Because of the Joslyn, I am a big fan of sculptor, Dale Chihuly. (In fact, I have even been to his Seattle museum.) I often use my picture of his other Joslyn sculpture in slide shows, and the image has even been in one of my books. I thought it was time for this one to get a little love. I assume the sculpture is still there. Guess I will have to visit the Joslyn to find out!

Author: neodyssey

My name is Gretchen Garrison. I started this blog about Nebraska in 2013. So far, I have written three books about Nebraska and Lincoln.