Traveling around Nebraska in late summer was an unforgettable experience for me.  Even though traveling 1,700 miles in 4 days was a bit grueling, the places that I got to see and the people that I met made the experience worthwhile.  Traveling backroads and going through various little Nebraska towns exposed me to new parts of the state.  Scrolling through all the pictures still makes me smile.  Looking back now, I think this might have been the easiest part of my book project.

Over the past several weeks, I have spent hours upon hours at the computer working on my manuscript.  While I do still enjoying the writing aspect, such concentrated effort was taxing.  My enthusiasm was waning.  With my Nebraska trip having taken place months ago, my experiences exploring the state were fading.  While helpful, researching on the internet left much to desired.  I was missing my connection.

That is the point where I switched directions.  Talking on the phone to Nebraska tourist locations allowed me to relate again to what makes Nebraska a great place to be.  The people.  Without the efforts of community residents, the places would have fallen into obscurity.  Conversations with those who keep Nebraska history going.

As much as I appreciate the wonderful opportunities found in Nebraska’s urban areas, there is something magical about the small town experiences.  Growing up, my one set of grandparents lived in Laurel.  As kids, we were allowed to walk down to corner Pharmacy.  Then later, I was able to walk to the library that was housed in the town hall.  Since the librarian knew my Grandma, I even got to check out books.  Taking our kids to see the town again where my Dad grew up was a highlight of my travels.  Just down the street from the downtown mural is the building where my grandpa used to have his “Michels Electric” shop.  Still thankful for all that Nebraska has offered both me and family!

This video featuring “Little Nebraska Towns” by Rachel Price captures how I feel.

Author: neodyssey

My name is Gretchen Garrison. I started this blog about Nebraska in 2013. So far, I have written three books about Nebraska and Lincoln.