Walking around the downtown UNL Campus allowed you to see many of the Nebraska by Heart Art Projects.

UNL Art Nebraska by HeartThis one had a fitting home near the UNL Ross Theatre.  Her dress is made out of pages from Romeo and Juliet.

UNL Art Nebraska by HeartThis one was a tribute to the artist’s family.

Nebraska by HeartThe metallic aspects of this heart made this one stunning from afar or from close-up.

UNL Art Nebraska by HeartThis UNL art heart featured a Japanese style of artwork.  If you look at the inset, you would see that the whole heart is covered in fabric squares.  I would imagine this one took quite awhile to create.

UNL Art Nebraska by HeartThis heart used symbols of both the present and past parts of Nebraska to make a statement.

Nebraska by HeartThis UNL art heart was found on the very edge of campus.  Featuring migratory birds, the Sandhill cranes seem as if they are ready to take off from the sculpture at any moment.

UNL art Nebraska by HeartThis was a rather whimsical UNL art heart.

UNL art Nebraska by HeartThis art was rather clever since it played on the heartbeat theme.  On the back were two simple black lines.

UNL art Nebraska by Heart This UNL art heart was technically just beyond campus at one of Lincoln’s newest Catholic church buildings.  We were told that is in fact a real sword.  So is the barbed wire.  In other words, this sculpture could be literally heart breaking. 🙂

UNL Art Nebraska by HeartThe message behind this heart is truly inspiring.  Lynn Wilson has done several public art works.  Her story is inspiring.  I always enjoy seeing her work.

UNL Art Nebraska by HeartThis UNL art made one wish that an ocean was a bit closer.  The colors are very striking.

UNL Art Nebraska by Heart Since we saw this heart on a still day, I am not sure that we experienced the same effect.  But when you look inside, you could see wind chimes waiting to flutter and sway.







Author: neodyssey

My name is Gretchen Garrison. I started this blog about Nebraska in 2013. So far, I have written three books about Nebraska and Lincoln.