Guess what?  Exactly two months from TODAY, my Detour Nebraska: Historical Destinations and Natural Wonders book will be available in stores and online!  The book is already available for preorder on both on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble.   I must admit searching my name up on those sites and actually having it pop up was rather surreal.  Getting to see the result of many Nebraska detours that I have taken was definitely rewarding!

Later this week, I plan to do a “cover reveal” post.  As you maybe noticed, the featured image from this post is one of Nebraska’s most iconic places … Carhenge.  And since this photograph was the result of my own version Nebraska detours, I think that this image is a good one for today.

Exactly one year ago tomorrow, I left on my 1,700 mile trip across Nebraska.  That date was on a Wednesday.  By Friday night, I was in Alliance.  I had spent more time than I planned at the Knight Sandhills Museum Center.  (If you ever visit, and you should, you would definitely understand why).  I was rather tired and still had many miles to drive before reaching Valentine.  I headed north on Highway 87 toward the Highway 20 cutoff.

When I was a few miles out of town, I noticed the Carhenge sign.  And I almost drove by.  After all, I had visited this unique attraction several years ago with my family.  As I was definitely starting to be a bit homesick for them, I hesitated on stopping.  I was not sure that I really wanted to visit without them.

But it’s Carhenge.  I figured how could you drive by and not stop?  I think I was there for only about five minutes.  Nearing dusk, the property was almost deserted.  In fact, I almost felt alone other than one couple did show up in one of my photographs.  That is one of the four photographs that I took with my Olympus.  But the lighting and coloring ended up being striking.  And now I can say that is one of my favorite shots of the trip.  All because I took the time to stop.

Hashtag: #DetourNebraska

In the weeks to come, I plan on telling you more stories about my trip and about this unexpected book experience.  While my experiences were definitely meaningful to me, I know that I am not only one taking Nebraska detours.  Many of you are having adventures of your own.  Would you mind sharing them with me?  And with the community?  As the book release date continues to get closer, I would be honored if you would use a hashtag that will allow us to enjoy Nebraska right along with us.  Please use the hashtag, #detourNebraska .  At least on Instagram, no one else had used that hashtag before me, so I think it will be fun for us to all be able to share about Nebraska together.

More on Detour Nebraska soon…


Author: neodyssey

My name is Gretchen Garrison. I started this blog about Nebraska in 2013. So far, I have written three books about Nebraska and Lincoln.