I love this time of year!  The celebratory feel with all of the lights just adds a magical touch.  Especially if there is snow.  I must admit that I am personally a bit sad that this week’s forecast is more springlike.  Not what I want for the middle of December.  Then I remind my grown-up self that snow does now involve shoveling.  Maybe I just am longing for an inch now instead. 🙂

One other thing that is fun about this time of year is all of the activities that are going on.  During the rest of winter going out in the cold can seem a bit wearisome.  Yet going out to see a Christmas musical or light display can make our family outings seem inspired.

Every year we have to pick and choose which events we attend.  That can be a bit of a challenge since there are so many wonderful possibilities.  Yet if you do not find out about the opportunities, that can be a bit of a bummer too.  I must admit I still hate missing out on fun events.  I try to tell you all about places that we have been here on my blog.  Yet since we do not make it every place, I try to feature additional optional activities in another location.

During December (and really throughout the year)  I try hard to keep my “Odyssey Through Nebraska” Facebook page updated with different events going on around Nebraska.  One of my best sources is the Visit Nebraska Events Calendar.  You can certainly just click there, but occasionally they miss events.  An even better source might be YOU the reader since you know what is going on in your community.  If you know of a family friendly activity that is taking place near you please post it on my Facebook page.  That is if you live in Nebraska, of course.  I am sure other states celebrate Christmas well too, but that might be a bit confusing!

Here is an event that is starting today.

Christmas Home on the Farm


For other today events, you may need to scroll down through yesterday’s Facebook posts. I do try to post at least a day in advance.  During this busy time of year, I cannot always manage that.  Even if you are a “fan” of my page on Facebook, evidently you do not always get my posts.  I guess they would rather promote the posts of people who pay them.  But you can always click on my Facebook page at any time to see the updates.

Let’s all go out and celebrate the season!

Author: neodyssey