We have come to the end of the #write31days challenge. I thought it might be fitting on this last day to share with you the part of book that often gets overlooked: the appendix.
This part of the book ended up being a great addition to the book for me. In the appendix, I was able to highlight some interesting parts of Nebraska. I could not elaborate on everything I wanted to in the book chapters. Creating lists helped me to be able to share more Detour Nebraska possibilities.
In the first section of the appendix, I list all of the Nebraska county historical societies. Almost all of the 93 counties have their own local county museums. These are great locations to learn more about Nebraska. Locals can add more perspective to history.
Another section in the appendix is the Nebraska children museums. Since my book is for multiple ages, I did not want to necessarily write about the locations in the chapters. But when you have little people you know that they are prime places to visit.
In the next section of the appendix, I highlighted some Nebraska art. During the WPA era, artists created murals for several small town post offices. I included one mural in the book Another one is the feature image for this post. Someday I hope to go see all of the Nebraska post office murals. Then I will write a post about all of them!
Besides the post office murals, I featured two current Nebraska muralists. I already featured Todd Williams and other Sesquicentennial art on my blog previously. Todd was involved in a project where he featured each Nebraska county in a painting. Another Nebraskan who creates murals is Dave Reiser. Many of the murals found around the state at visitor centers have been created by him. I enjoyed getting to highlight Nebraska artists in my Detour Nebraska appendix.
The end of the #detourNebraska challenge
Although I will certainly be talking about my book on occasion, my #write31days series focused on Detour Nebraska has come to a close. I do hope that you have enjoyed learning more about the book. I had fun remembering my trips and the stories that I learned along the way.
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