During this upcoming week, the mid-term elections are happening across the country.  In case you are unfamiliar with that term, this is the election that happens halfway between the Presidential election years.  Although people may not be voting for President, other significant elections are taking place.  Every two years, people get to vote regarding those serving in the House of Representatives.  Senators get to stay in office for six years. This means that one-third of the Senate seats are up for election every two years.  Of more of a local impact, this mid-term election is also often when gubernatorial elections take place across the country.  Back in 1986, the Nebraska gubernatorial race made national news.  This is the first time that two women ran against each other the state’s top office.

Kay Orr started out her political life as a Republican party volunteer.  In 1981, she was asked to fill in when the Nebraska state treasurer post was vacated.  Then she was officially elected as state treasurer in 1982.  Helen Boosalis started out as a many year member of the Lincoln City Council.  Next she served as the mayor of the city of Lincoln.  Eventually she was appointed as Director of the Nebraska Department of Aging.  This was a cabinet position for Bob Kerrey.  You can learn more about this significant 1986 gubernatorial race from the online encyclopedia.

1986 Gubernatorial Race Memories

Here is a fun video clip from the “Now You Know Nebraska” series that tells a bit more about this groundbreaking gubernatorial race.

P.S. Since we had a lady governor, Nebraska now had a “First Gentleman.” Click to watch a video where Bill Orr talks about his experiences in the Governor’s Residence.

Author: neodyssey

My name is Gretchen Garrison. I started this blog about Nebraska in 2013. So far, I have written three books about Nebraska and Lincoln.