My heading for this one might be a bit of a misnomer.  After all, if you are familiar with Narnia you know that it is the land where it always snows but there is no Christmas.  At least until the end … oops, hope I didn’t give anything away. 🙂  Last night was opening night for Narnia at the Rose Theater in Omaha.  Since I already posted that I was in Beatrice last night, you might be thinking that I am some sort of magician myself – managing to be two places at once.  But no, the Rose has granted me permission to share portions of their press releases and photographs to give you a sneak peak to the show.

First, my pretend press release …

Who: Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and a whole host of imaginative creatures including Mr. Beaver, Tumnis and of course the White Witch

What: A musical representation of the land beyond

Where: The wardrobe of course which keeps them connected to Narnia

When: No one is quite sure of the passage of time.  They can enter Narnia and be gone for what seems like quite a length then come back to only a few minutes seeming to have passed.

Why: Mainly Lucy and then Edmund are the ones who return

How does Narnia change the 4 Pevensies?  How do they change Narnia?  (Yes, that is the last name of the 4 children – definitely news to me!)

What is the basis of Narnia?

“On one level, Narnia is a simple fairy tale,“ says guest   director Jesse Jou. “But like so many ‘simple’ fairy tales, it   has some serious things to say about how we live in the world.    The  story tackles some pretty big questions about   ethics, faith,  the  nature of violence, and ultimately, grace.”

What type of growth do you see in the children throughout the play?

“There is a heart of seriousness to the story that I want to  honor,”  says  Jou.  “It is a  show for children,  but it is a show   that tells children how to grow up.  For children so small, they have to grow up quite a lot in the play. The journey teaches   these children the strength, courage,  and resiliency to   become good, noble adults, especially when things are very hard.”

What is different about this show and why should you go to see a performance (or two)?

Audiences  can  expect a performance that is both   entertaining and visually engaging.  Heavily influenced by the Art Nouveau movement and celebrated painter Charles  Rennie Macintosh, scenic designer Edward Matthew Walter has given Narnia a strong visual signature that  evokes the land’s beauty and majesty with a unique Art Deco design. Coupled with lighting designer Kyle Toth’s juxtaposition of light and shadow as a nod to the story’s overall theme of good versus evil, the set provides  the perfect framework for this classic  tale.
“It is beautiful, but if you look closer, things might not be what they actually seem,” said Toth. “This world has been under a spell by a witch who has  locked us into a forever winter. I wanted to give the idea that everything in Narnia used to be something sparkly and  pristine, but it has given way to decay under the White Witch’s rule.”
“All  the  elements of the show come together to create a densely textured experience that  allows  us  to tell the story of  adventure, loyalty,  childhood and faith,”  said Jou.  “In the end, we hope to create something that reverberates humanity back to us.  It will be dark, a little scary, but in the end, really, really beautiful.”

Opening night was last night, but you have until December 29th to catch a performance of Narnia.  I would not wait too long to at least get tickets, as two of the shows are already sold out.  Due to the intensity of certain parts of the storyline, the recommended ages for this show are six to thirteen.  Tickets: $20-$25 reserved seats. Call (402) 345-4849 or purchase online at  Discount ticket vouchers and a Roberts Dairy special purchase offer are available at Hy-Vee. See Hy-Vee customer service for details. Reservations are required.


Author: neodyssey