Have you ever thought about the sacrifices that restaurant employees make on particular holidays to stay open for your dining convenience? This week, I received an eye-opening e-mail written by Jeff Parker of Parker’s Smokehouse explaining just that. Here is an excerpt …
What I’m telling you, dear guest, is that the hospitality industry is ready for you this Sunday so please don’t let us down! We employ your sons. We employ your daughters. We donate gift cards to every school fundraiser and charitable event you can think of. We work weekends, we work holidays. We cater to the gluten-free and fat-free, the walk-in 25’s and the 9:58’rs. All because we love the people. The people we work with, and you….the person we work for.
Basically I think his e-mail is giving Moms everywhere permission to take a break from their kitchens. Often we grill out with the guys in my family doing the cooking, but this year I think I am going to follow my own advice and dine out. By the way, I have not managed to feature Parker’s on the blog yet. I am not sure why because their food is oh-so-good. With four Eastern Nebraska locations, this could be a great Mother’s Day option for you.
I would be remiss to write about celebrating moms without at least mentioning my own Mom. Honestly, I could spend many, many blogs writing about how wonderful my Mom is. I know that almost everyone thinks that their moms are fantastic, but those of you who happen to know mine have to agree that mine is pretty special. Her devotion to her family through the years is umatched. I definitely know that you cannot outgrow the need for your mom. At least once a week, I am calling her still because I need something – advice, encouragement, prayers and help with our kids. Now that they are older, that part is lessening a bit, yet my Mom can often be found on the sidelines, still supporting her grandkids.
My mom has now been a Michels more than twice as long as she has been a Gustafson. I have still spent more than half of my life as a Michels as well, although the numbers are gradually catching up. What other place could I feature this Mother’s Day, but Michaels Cantina at the Market. (Yes, I know that the spelling is slightly different, but … 🙂 )
Last fall, we ate there with a bunch of homeschooling friends after attending “Cirque Pedal Punk Mechanics” at the Omaha Orpheum. (If you want to know more about that, please click the link at the bottom of the post!) Michaels ended up being the perfect location to dine after the morning matinee. For one thing, they are just enough on the edge of the Omaha Market, that parking spots are much easier to find. Plus they accept reservations which is a very good thing considering we were dining out with 15-20 people.
As for the food, think casual Mexican that includes the necessary complimentary chips & salsa – a must for our family. The portions sizes were huge – easily enough to share a meal or to bring home leftovers. In fact, our 10 year old was convinced that a kids’ meal would not be enough for him. But he barely was able to make a dent in his large burger. As you can possibly tell from the pictures, with refried beans and rice featured on each plate, plenty is available to eat. Such favorites as tacos and tostadas and quesadillas and much, much more are all available.
As for additional opportunities for moms? Well, there are many. Many restaurants offer some sweet and discounted meals for moms, along with free admission to many places. If you do not want to brave the crowds, you can always choose to pick up food as well. We ate at Boss’ Pizza and Chicken again the other night, and any of their pizzas would be great to go. Picking which flavor you want to try might be the hardest part. Just make sure you don’t leave without taking home the raspberry cream cheese pizza as well. So delicious!
However you celebrate, a very happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there!
P.S. Here is the link to our time at the Orpheum.
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