Anybody remember “Little Brick Out?”  Or playing “The Oregon Trail” on a green screen computer monitor?  Yes, I realize that I am definitely admitting my age right now.  Technology has come light years in distance since my childhood.  I must admit that I still prefer paper to the screen.  Although I am coming to like my e-reader now that I realized that I have access to new free books courtesy of my Lincoln Libraries Hoopla account at any time day or night.  But I am still learning how to find great apps for my phone.  Especially ones that present facts as opposed to only providing games.

Recently I have discovered several great Nebraska apps.  Most news stations, colleges and even banks have their own apps.  Of course, you can get a Husker app.  Those apps can all be helpful.  But even more than that, several of these apps have helped me to grow in my knowledge about Nebraska places and people.  Now I happen to have an iPhone, so I am not sure if all of these are also available on Androids.  But I would guess that most of them are.

  1. The Nebraska Passport app.  If you are participating in the Nebraska passport program, you need to have this app.  If you are ever near one of the 80 locations, you can get a virtual stamp if you do not have your paper booklet.  Not that I have ever forgotten mine on any of our travel adventures.  🙂
  2. The Explore Nebraska History app talks about the Nebraska historical markers found around the state.  I about cried when I discovered this one.  Stopping at all of the historical markers is a mission of mine.  My family often does not feel the same calling, so I am glad to have the app when all of them insist on driving right by the beautiful blue markers.
  3. NET Nebraska has its own app.  I am rather excited because when I have 5-10 minutes of down time while I am waiting some place, I can watch a news story that I care about.  Or a Nebraska Stories segment.  They do have a version of this app for the Kindle, but the video option does not seem to be as extensive.
  4. The Nebraska 93 app.  This is one developed by a family member of a friend.  Basically you look for all of the different counties on the license plates.  My kids LOVE  this app.  I love the fact that it keeps them looking at cars rather than fighting with each other.  I also love the fact that the app contains facts about the different counties.  This might be an Apple only app.  Definitely worth downloading.
  5. I am hesitant to include this one on the list at the moment because I have not been able to open up since I downloaded it.  But the Nebraska Game and Parks does have an official state parks guide.  The concept sounds great.  For that reason, I am including it and will keep checking to see if I can get it to work better.

How about you?  Any Nebraska apps that you enjoy?

Author: neodyssey

My name is Gretchen Garrison. I started this blog about Nebraska in 2013. So far, I have written three books about Nebraska and Lincoln.