HF Crave Burger & Fries

Dining out is an experience that our family enjoys.  While we eat the vast majority of our meals at home, I enjoy having a break from cooking, plus even more I enjoy trying new foods.  One unexpected result of writing a blog about Nebraska is the fact that we have now tried many diverse places.  Wait – scratch that.  We have tried many kid friendly places, so possible we have some work to do on the variety scale. We’ll get there.

I have reviewed restaurants before on this blog, but in looking through my pictures, I was noticing that I am rather behind in sharing all of the places without you.  Hopefully over the next several weeks I will remedy that as I plan to make “Savoring Saturday” (or possibly sometimes “Tasty Tuesday”) a regular weekly (or bi-weekly) feature for awhile.

Dino's Pizza 3 slicesI forgot to take a picture of our whole Dino’s Eastside Grille Brickhouse Supreme pizza.  These slices were what was left after our first round.  I was hopeful they would be leftovers that I could eat for lunch the next day.  That didn’t happen – they were wiped out soon after this picture was taken!

Before I start this series, I thought I should make my own personal review policy clear.  You will NEVER find a negative review on this site.  Because we are thrilled with every part of our dining experience?  Not necessarily.  Because I feel that to make it in the restaurant business you have to work SO hard!  Why should a negative review from a blog – a one time experience – stop people from going there?  If I cannot find anything positive to say, I will simply not write about the restaurant at all.

That being said, every restaurant that we visit, we may not necessarily return to eat there again.  I want to be upfront about this fact partially because when you read a blog, you can get the wrong mentality.  They eat at restaurants like that all of the time?  (We don’t.)  How can they afford it?  (I will share my family eating out tips in later posts too!) Three reasons exist for we may not return to some locations that I will review.

  1. Proximity.  If we have to drive over an hour to get there, we will probably not frequent the place.
  2. Price.  Feeding six people can get rather expensive.  The places that are original to Nebraska are not going to be as inexpensive as a fast food joint.  I get that – they have bills to pay and all.  While many places have outstanding food, they will become a special occasion place for us.  A bit of risk does happen for our family because of where we choose to eat.  Now that our kids have tasted good food, they are clamoring to return and may not be as happy with cheaper places.  Sigh.
  3. Possibilities.  So many great restaurants exist across the state of Nebraska that we want to try.  I have quite the running list.  So we watch for specials and occasionally are given gift cards, then we can got on a new food adventure!

Doughnut Hole Ice Cream SandwichesAs a fun treat after the Cornhusker State Games Opening Ceremonies, my older two sons and I went to The Doughnut Hole and splurged on their doughnut ice cream sandwiches. For the filling, they use UNL Dairy Store ice cream!  I let the boys pick out their flavor, then I made them each give me a bite.  🙂  We had tried The Doughnut Hole last fall for breakfast, and I am glad we also got to experience doughnuts for dessert!  Yum!

Look for my first “review” next week.  Now for the hard part: which restaurant should I review first?  By the way, are you curious about the burger featured in the first picture?  That was one my husband got to enjoy on a family outing several weeks ago.  I will be featuring that yummy place within the next month.

Author: neodyssey