This month I had the privilege of writing an article for the L Magazine entitled, VOTA’s Recording for Change. Focused on how a local Nebraska rock band is donating their album proceeds for a specific cause,  I enjoyed hearing the behind the scenes details of how the Love Found Me project came to be.

Tiny Hands 1

Photo courtesy Tiny Hands International

An interesting opportunity has resulted from this campaign …

Come to Nepal with VOTA

A year ago, VOTA & Tiny Hands International launched the Love Found Me campaign with the goal to raise $150,000 to support and staff five border monitoring stations along the Nepal/India border to help stop human trafficking.

We Did It!

We are thrilled to say that in just 10 months God has blessed this campaign and we have surpassed our initial fundraising goal… and we are still going! To celebrate, we are offering the opportunity for one Love Found Me campaign supporter an expense paid trip to Nepal with VOTA this fall courtesy of Taylor University. To be eligible for the Nepal trip, simply download our album here before February 1st. A winner will be chosen and notified by 2/15/14.

So not only have Nebraskans chosen to make a difference a half a world away in Nepal, but now a VOTA listener will have the opportunity to see first hand what a difference Tiny Hands is making in Nepal.

To learn more about this amazing project, please read my online article.  And to learn even more behind the scenes information about my personal connections to the project, please read my Sacred Line blog!


Author: neodyssey